There are many new ways to get your business noticed and one way is by improving your ranking on search engines, both on Google and on social media profiles such as Facebook and Instagram.

This will help you gain more traffic and customers in a cost effective way.
But how do you know which keywords to target? What about optimisation? Don't worry, we're here to help!
In this blog post I'll be exploring some key points that can make all the difference when it comes to search engine rankings - and what's more, they're not difficult or time consuming at all! So without further ado...
Let's take a look at what makes good content great!
1: When posting, be sure to include keywords relevant to your business.
2: Make sure your content is engaging and interesting enough so people want to share it with their friends - because sharing is key to good rankings.
3: Have a plan of action for what type of posts you are going to make before you publish. And post frequently enough for search engines to rank you effectively.
4. Use hashtags on Instagram, LinkedIn, Google My Busi

ness and Twitter posts with keywords relevant to your business. But not too many or too few!
5. Make sure you optimise your social media profiles effectively, using keywords in descriptions, adding your business's products and services,
important 'how to find you' information, branded images and backgrounds. And don't forget to optimise your images too!
If you're at all unsure about keywords or social media optimisation, don't worry!
The team of social media pros at The Consult Centre is here to help.
Give us a call today on 01524 418225 or visit our website.