A client today referred to me as a fighter jet, admittedly it wasn’t the most flattering comment, but I could see the comparison he was trying to make. It had been a day of frustration for him.
The client had been waiting for some time now, weeks in fact to get his website launched and the company who were charged with building it had messed him around for weeks.
On a call yesterday he was expressing his anger to me and couldn’t understand what was taking them so long, add in the extra pressure that this client can not deliver on line revenue until the site is ready, and you can see his issue.
We work with the client, looking after his social media profile via our brand Reach Media.

So we are involved and he often calls for help with other suppliers, mainly to seek our advice.
So I agree to arrange a video conference call with the design agency on this behalf, ask him and his business partners to attend. Tell him to sit back, and bite his tongue whilst I put them through their paces. “perfect” he says.
The web design guys log into the call today, and I introduce myself, all is going well.
I explain my involvement and ask them to talk me through progress so far.
“We are nearly finished” they say, “we have it all on the test system, we are just doing testing”. “well that’s brilliant!” I reply, everyone seems very happy, but I’m not convinced...
“so, just click on the share screen button would you and show me the work you have done on the test platform please” I request..
“what?” is the answer...
“just there, the button, in-fact it’s OK, I can navigate for you, just click accept”..I say.
And that’s when the silence started .. whether it was the fact they hadn’t banked on me checking, the fact they had told a lie or the fact they were well meaning but way way behind.. I couldn’t tell you.
But that’s when my view on why The Consult Centre is successful. is confirmed.
Do we work longer and harder hours than most people - Yes we do.
And we know not everyone wants to work like us, but our clients trust us because of it. But take the hard work and long hours away and what are you left with that makes us different ?
We are efficient, whether that be in the use of our time, to the technology we use. We manage expectation and we surpass it every time.
We are honest, and we are helpful.
We couldn’t be those web design guys on that call today..
We just wouldn’t let that happen to a client.
Or let it happen to our brand and reputation.
So even though we are still working away now, long after everyone else has gone home from their offices. We know when our clients get to work tomorrow, the one piece of their “to do” list that they don’t need to worry about is the one that has our name against it ..
Ruth The Consult Centre Ltd