January 2021 is coming to an end. We've been locked down for almost all of it, and it's not been easy for anyone.
But yet it's still been a busy time! The team at The Consult Centre has been hard at work helping businesses to meet the challenges that are being thrown at them, while putting out constant messages of positivity on social media to keep everybody's spirits up!

We've also celebrated a few birthdays during the month.
Lesley turned 25.
(That's what she told me to say, anyway...)

And Greg is now 97.
He looks good for it though, doesn't he?
(Actually, don't answer that...)
And one of our young apprentices - Nikki's daughter Gabriella - celebrated her birthday too!
(We're quite jealous of her cake!)

We also held our first morning Online Relaxed Business Networking event and don't forget if you want to join us on the next one, you can sign up here. It's back to evenings in February as we are alternating between morning and night-time events!

A big congratulations go to Ruth for her nominations by the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) as one of the top coaches and mentors in the world! We are very proud of our Ruth and know how good she is at what she does - and it's great that she's been recognised for it!
Greg is the 'press release guru' of the gang - thanks to his journalist background - and he was really pleased to see our client Zebra Electrical get some fantastic coverage in the local media after their kind gesture to help a local barber during lockdown. What a wonderful example of small businesses supporting each other!
See The Visitor article here.
Meanwhile the entire team has been busy speaking to local businesspeople,, holding Zoom calls and meetings, working on optimisation of social media profiles for clients, and doing all we can to ensure that our clients' social media presence is as powerful as it can possibly be.
We'd love to work with you too! If you would like some information on what The Consult Centre can do for your business social media, drop us an email to enquiries@theconsultcentre.com or call 01524 418225.